Research Tropic Selection


Toluhi (2001) quoting Huwes (1982), defined research “as a process of systematic inquiry, investigation, and analysis of data in order to increase knowledge, test hypothesis where necessary and to arrive at a conclusion” Going by this definition, shows that research has to do with gathering data through inquiry and investigation and analyzing the data in order to find a solution to a specific problem or answers to a given task. In conducting research, some procedures have to be employed, such procedure is known as a research methodology. Adam (1983) further stated that research is crucial to the resolution of our research problems and questions as well as the fulfillment of the realization of the goals and objectives of the research.

Research topic
This is a brief outline, heading, or phrase that describes in concise words the content of the research. It contains the major terms that the researcher delves into and unravels during the course of the research. According to Connor, the research title must clearly indicate the key variables included in the study, the type of relationship between the variables, and the target population to which the results may be applied.

Choosing an effective research topic
Choosing an effective research topic will help you to develop your research paper/thesis/dissertation, which is essentially your proposed answer to your research question. You will then be ready to use the sources you’ve found, and find more sources in order to support that thesis or to answer your research question. Here, a few steps by which you will make choose an effective topic:

1. Be organized- maximize your research efforts
In order to maximize your research efforts, you must be organized and efficient in your search efforts. The more organized you are in the beginning, the more time you will have to write your thesis. Be diligent about keeping track of your files in the early phases of your research to reduce your stress levels later on when your enthusiasm begins to wane. If you have to backtrack on your research efforts, being organized from the beginning will help make the process less painful.

2. Getting ideas for your topic
Ideas can come from just about anywhere.

  • Course material: Go back over lecture notes or textbook chapters to find a topic.
  • Talk to friends and classmates: Discussing potential topics with friends and classmates can help you identify interesting questions surrounding a topic.
  • Brainstorming: Take the general topic and create a concept map for it. From there you may find some aspects of the topic you would like to explore. Once you think of a broad topic that interests you, try to brainstorm all of the words or concepts you can that might be related to that topic.
  • News: Yahoo News,, and local broadcast news all cover recent events and may pique your interest for further exploration of the story.
  • Internet: There are many reliable educational and current event resources available on the Web that are excellent sources of ideas for selecting research topics. Keep in mind that because of the open nature of the Web, many resources vary in quality. Review general and specialized encyclopedia articles. They can provide summaries and bibliographies to get you started on a topic.
  • Talk to a librarian: Your librarian can be a great source for topic ideas and can provide information about helpful research resources.
  • Supervisors or previous academic work: Sometimes they might have taken on a topic because they wanted to work with a particular supervisor who was a leading researcher in the area worldwide.

3. Choose a topic
Key features for choosing a topic.

  • Choose an interesting topic. If you have no personal interest in the assigned topic, pick an aspect of the topic you are curious to know more about.
  • Tropic must be flexible
  • Ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available
  • Choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the literature
  • Make a list of keywords
  • Choose a solvable Research Problem
  • Make your research topic original
  • Again research and read more about your topic

4. Focus on your topic
Broaden your topic.
If you are required to write a long paper (20 or more pages), there should be enough information available about the topic for the paper to be comprehensive and complete. If an obscure person, event, or subject is chosen as the basis for a research topic, it may be difficult finding relevant and accessible material to do effective research.

Narrow your topic
Depending upon the subject and the required length of a research assignment, be careful not to choose a topic that is too broad in scope. Focus on a particular event, time, person or group, and/or place. Some common ways to limit a topic are geographical area, culture, time frame, discipline, and population group.

5. Formulate a thesis statement
Write your topic as a thesis statement. This may be the answer to your research question and/or a way to clearly state the purpose of your research. Your thesis statement will usually be one or two sentences that state precisely what is to be answered, proven, or what you will inform your audience about your topic.

Research is important both in scientific and nonscientific fields. In our life, new problems, events, phenomena, and processes occur every day. Practically, implementable solutions and suggestions are required for tackling new problems that arise. Scientists have to undertake research on them and find their causes, solutions, explanations, and applications.  Finally, be clear about what topic you are researching. It is true that a topic needs to be adjusted as the information is gathered, but you should always know what topic you are searching for. Not having a clear idea of what you’re looking for is dangerous because you are likely to get off track and waste time you can’t afford.

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